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Submission Guideline
来源:熊熊    发布时间:2023-11-01 11:01
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Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 March 2024
Please register and log in HUITONG CIS to submit abstract.
For invited talks(邀请报告): A 250-word abstract for Huitong APP display. 
Abstract submission will be notified of acceptance or rejection by e-mail by 15 March 2024

To prepare the abstract for contributed talk and poster, please download the word template: Abstract submission template

Poster size: We recommend poster paper no exceed 140 cm height x 80cm wide.
Please prepare the poster by yourself:  
  Poster Template


The conference is sponsored by

 &   (American Institute of Physics) & &&

Notice for full paper preparation and submission


1、The deadline for the full paper submission to JoPC is 30th April, 2024, while that for other three journals is 30th June. 


2、Four journals have set up special issues to publish the expanded papers from the INGEP2024. The authors need to select a journal to submit their papers for the publication. Before you start the preparation of your manuscript for the selected journal, please download the template of the journal and follow the instructions completely. Be noted that the submitted 2-page abstracts will not be accepted for the publication in the journals. Please make sure your paper matches the requests of the journal by format and length.


3、For the submission, you need to register an account for the submission as regular submissions do. During the submission process, please select the Special Issue related to INGEP2024.

(投稿时,根据下面提供的链接进入投稿页面,像普通投稿一样注册、创建账号。进入投稿页面,选择与INGEP2024 相关的特刊投稿)

Please click the following links to submit the full papers 


Sensors: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/431G7PH6CU    

Template: Sensors-template-of-final-manuscript

The deadline for the submission: 30 June 2024

Electronics: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/special_issues/B616ILYNDQ

Template: Electronics-template-of-final-manuscript

The deadline for the submission: 30 June 2024

NPE: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/npe

Template: NPE-template-of-final-manuscript

The deadline for the submission: 30 June 2024

JoPC: https://www.morressier.com/call-for-papers/6596bf8a154ea800122acde7

Template: JoPC -template-of-final-manuscript

The deadline for the submission: 30 April 2024

Note: for publications in the journals of NPT and Sensors, substantial expansion of the manuscript is required, and the manuscript will go through the peer reviews. Selected excellent papers do not pay additional article processing charge for the publication.